Read This: After the Boxes Are Unpacked

Every so often, I want to use this space to share about a book that may not necessarily be written with a military audience in mind, but offers practical insights that can apply to the nuances that military members and spouses certainly face. 


I want to recommend Susan Miller’s book, After the Boxes Are Unpacked.

Maybe it’s just the season of life I’m finding myself in, one of preparing for our second move in a calendar year. Maybe it’s the fact that I’ll be saying goodbye to a wonderful group of friends that I’ve grown incredibly close with over these past six months. Maybe it’s the physical exhaustion I’m already anticipating of setting up another house in another state…again.

At any rate, this upcoming transition had me looking back through and re-reading parts of Miller’s book in order to pump myself up.


In her incredibly kind and warm way, Miller weaves personal tales of many of her own moves and her ensuing emotions into all 18 chapters of her book. She divides it up into three parts:

Part I: Let Go

She covers things like dealing with all you’ve left behind, remembering back while looking forward, pressures that contribute to the overload factor in moving, recognizing how deeply the move is affecting you, understanding your emotional baggage, and identifying your feelings and emotions.

Part II: Start Over

In this section, you’ll get tips on how to make your house a home, growing through your move, things you need to do and things you need to know, dealing with the loneliness you feel, finding your lost identity, strengthening your marriage after  move, helping your children adjust and adapt, and making new friends.

Part III: Move Ahead

Finally, Miller encourages readers about finding contentment in their circumstances, charging into the future with enthusiasm, and relying on the One who moves with you.


While not military-move specific, Miller’s book gleans wisdom from many moves and insights of dozens of other women who have successfully navigated the muddy waters of relocation.

You’ll find humor, tenderness, “Survival Kit” suggestions as well as “Heart Talk.” If you are feeling emotional about an upcoming or recent move, Susan Miller’s words will be a balm to your soul.

all these women have an unwavering faith, an inner strength, and an enduring perseverance which allowed them to overcome their obstacles in moving

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